Louie is a floofy Persian/Ragdoll/Turkish Van mix who was rescued from a local shelter at the age of 3. Louie was first spotted on Petfinder where his now mom saw his “little” potato bod and floofy face and knew they had to go meet him. He was waiting at The Pat Brody Shelter for Cats located in Lunenburg, MA where his new parents instantly fell in love with him.
The shelter was unclear why he wound up in the shelter but thought someone in his previous family had become ill making it too hard to care for him anymore.
At the shelter he was named Duncan but since they said it was not his name at his previous home it was changed to Louie since he wasn’t used to it.
Louie is a very outgoing laid back guy who LOVES attention. You WILL want to meet him and you WILL pet him or he’ll climb up and get at your height level to make sure you won’t miss him. He loves strangers and will come up for attention to anyone coming over. He loves to play and run around on adventures outside on his leash.

Clip from Louie’s adoption day, June 24th, 2017.
His car ride home and first steps into his forever home.
A: Lou is a very outgoing and affectionate cat. He wants to meet everyone he sees and expects everyone to want to give him pats. If you walk by him without paying much attention he’ll jump up on a table or whatever it takes so you don’t overlook him a second time.
A: Lou is a rescue so we can’t be 100% sure but his vet & DNA match say a Ragdoll/Persian/Turkish Van mix.
A: Lou is 8 years old.
A: Lou first started with a collar and leash on my back porch balcony. He would get used to getting something put on him every time he got to go outside. He would sit in my lap and bird watch for hours. Then I swapped it with a harness and continued bringing him out on the balcony. After a couple months I started bringing him into the back yard. Always when it was quiet and just us. He took to it almost immediately and was very excited to explore. He never had an issue actually being on a leash, maybe because he knew I was there for safety.
A: I brush Lou multiple times a day. Louie started out hating being brushed but now absolutely loves it. I use an Andis metal comb on his neck and a rake deshedding brush for the rest of him, which is great on his thick undercoat.
I get asked a lot which ones exactly so here is a link to the ones I use in order of frequency:
Andis Steel Pet Comb 7.5″
Wahl Professional Animal ARCO Cordless Pet Clippers
Dakpets Dematting Rake Comb
A: Never! I’ve never given him a bath. The vet said it’s not necessary unless he was to get into something he couldn’t groom himself. He takes very good care of himself.
A: Louie has IBD so his food intake is very strict so his stomach won’t get upset. He is currently on Royal Canin Select Rabbit wet food and Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein dry. (I get asked that a lot so I added it here but your cat should be on the food recommended specifically to their needs)
A: Louie loves to interact with humans so wand toys while he’s diving in and out of his cube tent is a favorite. He also loves to have you throw spring toys for him to catch. For his playing alone toys he loves his catnip sharkie, banana, and watermelon toy. Although he has a toy box full of all kinds! For a list of some of his favorites and links view here!

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